No suprise Mo found the basketball egg!
"Hey! Did Mom just sneak a piece of candy out of my basket?"
Jason, Ari, Mo and Livi LeCheminant
No suprise Mo found the basketball egg!
"Hey! Did Mom just sneak a piece of candy out of my basket?"
Posted by LeChem Fam at 12:41 PM
I want to eat that little man! He is so funny. He totally would just go right for the basketball egg.
haha he's so cute in that easter outfit I want to die!
So darling! Looks like he scored with the basketball egg! He is getting so big!
Ok I just have to say, I LOVE his hair color! I am soooo jealous because I want my babies to have that beautiful color! He is so cute!!
Wow cant believe how big he is. He is DARLING!!!!
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