Here's the run down of what we did in May...
NICU "Reunion"
Livi was one of the honored guests at the hospital's NICU Reunion where all the kids that have gone through their doors over the years are invited to a huge carnival and picnic in the park. Just another way we recognize how blessed we are to have or little Miss and to see how far she has come since those first days. We were able to see a few of our favorite nurses and all of them remembered Livi. They were all thrilled to see that she has continued to do so well.
Park Slide!
For the longest time Mo has wanted what he calls a "Park Slide" and each time we drive by the Lifetime store on State Street he would notice them out on display. Since we bought our house we have had the back corner of our yard empty and pretty much just a place for weeds to grow. We finally decided we needed something back there and Mo was more than excited his Park Slide filled the void.
3 trailer loads of dirt removed, 12 railroads ties, 1 broken sprinkler, 2 cubic yards of bark, numerous trips to Home Depot, one set of wrong instructions, several helping hands and an undisclosed number or swear words later we had the happiest kids on the block! It will for sure be a great place for them to play for years to come so it was worth all the trouble.
Hogle Zoo
This past year Mo and his cousins have gone to pre-school at his Gimi's house and for their last field trip we all went to the Zoo for "Z day" to finish up learning the alphabet.